How many times have you asked for suggestions and get a long list of podcasts, but get lost figuring out what ACTUAL EPISODES people really connected with. Here are some favorites that lit us up, made us think and inspired us:
- Brene Brown on “The Tim Ferris Show”: All hail Queen B. Enough said.
- Mel Robbins on “The School of Greatness”: We loved learning Mel’s epic life hack.
- Lauren Fleshman on “Running for Real Podcast”: Lauren speaks on topics from motherhood to business and breaks it down like no other woman we know.
- Abby Wambach on “The Good Life Project”: Abby changed the game of soccer and embodies kindness!
- Rachel Cargle on “Real Talk Radio with Nicole Antionette”: Rachel drops some serious knowledge surrounding racism and how we all can better do anti-racist work.
- Sally Bergesen on “Ali on the Run”: We loved hearing the BTS of Sally running Oiselle