We love showcasing women in leadership roles because it inspires us. We are excited to share the story behind the woman leading Dignity Health Dominican Hospital. Nanette Mickiewicz, MD serves as the president of the hospital. Let’s jump in…

What is some important background information about you that you would like to share?
I was born in Walnut Creek California and grew up in the Bay Area. I went to college at St. Mary’s in Moraga, and then medical school in Chicago. I have four children and a dog. I am proud to be a physician and love the challenge of seeing patients. I am the fifth of six children! I feel fortunate to still have my siblings as my best friends.
What does the first hour of your day look like?
Typically I try to either ride my Peleton bike or work out with my trainer. I also always check my email, walk the dog, and once in awhile I’ll read.
What was your biggest challenge in the past few years?
Finding time for myself when work has been crazy is always a challenge. Losing my father to congestive heart failure at age 89 was incredibly difficult.
How has working for Dignity elevated you as a person?
It’s an honor to participate in the health care of those in our community. I am humbled by the people I work with–they are so talented and compassionate. I strive to do my best every day to keep up with them.
What lesson have you learned from exercise?
Last year I completed a 52ish mile walk with Project Athena in San Diego. Training and doing the long walks challenged me physically, but was emotionally gratifying. I like to take my walks without music or any distractions. Being in my head for those long timeframes helped me to feel calmer and more grounded.
What is a #BigScaryGoal you are aiming for?
I am looking for one. I didn’t think I could do the 52ish mile walk and now that I have accomplished that, I am open to suggestions!