How Your C-Section Scar Is Tripping up Your Bod and 3 Ways to Improve Your Function - She.Is.Beautiful & Heart Ping Life

It’s been said that scars are tattoos with better stories and that is DEFINITELY the case for c-section scars!  Unfortunately, common problems with these scars is numbness, pain, impaired use of core muscles in that region and pelvic floor dysfunction (like urinary leakage and pain with sex).  Here are 3 ways to touch them to improve mobility, normalize sensation and decrease pain (**Please wait until you are cleared by your healthcare practitioner to start scar massage**):  

(1.) The Eight Finger Slide:  Lay on your back with knees bent.  Place all fingers except thumbs on scar as shown.  Applying light pressure straight down towards the floor, lightly pull all fingers first to the right, then back to the left, then up and then down.

(2.)  The Index Finger Squish:  Lay on your back with knees bent.  Lay both hands over scar with index fingers pointing down towards your feet. Starting in the center of your scar, lightly pinch the inside edges of both index fingers towards each other, slightly lifting skin away from the ground.  Keeping it lifted, you can move it up/down/right/left to further mobilize it. Release tissue, move fingers slightly towards the left and repeat until you reach the end of the scar. Start in the center again and move until you reach the right end of your scar.  

(3.) The Lobster Pinch:  Start on the left side of your scar.  Place the pads of your index fingers near each other right under your scar and the pads of your thumbs near each other right above your scar.  Pinch fingers together, slightly lifting the skin. Keeping it lifted, you can move it up/down/right/left to further mobilize it.