What are the details for the Touchless event? – She.Is.Beautiful & Heart Ping Life
  1. Road will not be closed to traffic.
  2. There will be no volunteers, aid stations, or porto potties available. There is no official start time. Race results can be uploaded Monday, March 15th- Sunday, March 21st.
  3. All participants are responsible for themselves. 
  4. We are putting signage out on Thursday, March 18th (by 10am). We hope these signs won’t be taken. Please make sure you are clear on the race courses and could run them without directional signage.
  5. As this event isn’t “in-person” and we don’t have to worry about crowds in the same capacity, our courses will be “out and back” courses to keep things easier for participants to navigate.
  6. Be sure to see your race bib and Verve coupon to collect your goodies around town during race week.