is Committed to Action for the Long Run - She.Is.Beautiful & Heart Ping Life

Develop enough courage so that you can stand up for yourself and then stand up for somebody else.”- Maya Angelou

White privilege touches every corner of the running industry, from the majority of who shows up to races, to the majority of who owns running stores, to the majority of who has power at major running companies, to who has access to safe places to run, to who is leading the industry as race directors.

Within our internal team at, we have many discussions about the lack of diversity in running in general, how we can do better, and how we want to continue to be part of the positive change.

From day one at She.Is.Beautiful, our mission has been to create a safe space for all womxn and girls in the running and fitness community. Our goal was and is to celebrate ALL participants. We believe so much in feeling strong in our bodies. In creating a safe space, it was and is our mission to be inviting and celebrate both people who are already runners, as well as those new to this space. 

As runners and movement lovers, it is our greatest joy to see people surprise themselves with what their bodies are capable of.  To share the importance of making space for your physical and mental health.

As mothers, it is essential for us to show our children the power and beauty of their bodies.  

As womxn, sisters and friends, we want you to show up to our events the way you would show up to our own HOUSES as guests:  welcome, comfortable, and at home.  

As humans, it is our mission to create a community full of compassion, love, and belonging. 

We believe in supporting all womxn and girls–and communities. Intersectional Feminism. Black womxn, girls and communities need everyone’s support. Black Lives Matter. Representation Matters. Wellness is for everyone.

At this time we understand some action items we can begin to take to help make small changes in our industry and sport. Our organizational staff currently exists with only 3 year round team members.  As we hire in the future, diversity will be a key element to our hiring process. We are committed to make sure representation shows up in all sectors of our business. We are committed to making our community meet-ups feel more accessible and welcoming for all.  We are committed to investing in anti-racism education training for our staff. We are committed to bringing in outside hired consultants to make our brand more inclusive and accessible to all. We are committed to encouraging other race organizations and the governing body of the race industry to also be committed to this live saving work. 

These actions are just a start, a small step, but we know we’ve got a marathon of work in front of us. We have one foot in front of the other.

While running appears to be the most accessible sport because of minimum equipment needed, there are both economic and social barriers that prevent running to be accessible for many people. Lifting up to marginalized communities with both funds and invitation to participate was the first step we took since the beginning. Both of our yearly events donate to our long standing charity partners at Walnut Avenue Women and Family Center and Girls Incorporated. We are inspired to seek out charity partners throughout the year that focus on inspiring Black youth to move and explore outdoors. We believe in supporting organizations that offer accessibility, empowerment, and positivity.

Today we are donating 100 spots to our Head Up, Heart Forward September virtual 5k, 10k, and 10 Miler to Black Girls Run and making a donation to Camp Founder Girls .

If you would like to share any direct feedback please email us at

Thank you for being here.

Sweat and dreams,

Melissa and Sara